
Nikolina Jelić


File #83215

Nikolina completed the School of Applied Arts and Design in Zagreb, specializing in Interior Design. She graduated from the School of Design at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Zagreb, specializing in product design. 

From 2002 to 2006 she gained work experience in "L-Panel", a Croatian furniture manufacturer, in the Department of equipment and development. In 2006 she founded the Kubus studio for interior design and product design. 

Nikolina is a member of the Croatian Designers Society, the Association of Artists and the Association for Industrial Design. As a designer, she participates in jury exhibitions in Croatia and all around the world. Her coffee table "Void" is exhibited in New York, Milan, Paris, Vienna ... She works on projects that synthesize product design, interior design, exhibition design and business and residential design. She is currently vice president of Industrial Design at the Croatian Chamber of Economy.