Xavier Dominguez

Fab Lab Barcelona. Future Learning Unit Action Researcher. Fab Academy and Master in Design for Emergent Futures Faculty
Xavier has a Multimedia Engineering Degree from the University of La Salle Universitat Ramon LLull, Spain and since 2016 is Fab Academy Graduated, a digital fabrication and rapid prototyping course directed by Neil Gershenfeld at MIT’s Center For Bits and Atoms (CBA).
Xavier is current maker education researcher and faculty at the Future Learning Unit. It is the Fab Lab Barcelona research group focused on the development of Creativity in international Educational Ecosystems. We research, design, implement and coordinate actions through creativity, experimentation, digital fabrication and coding under the concept of learning ecology.
Also he is involved in multiple EU funded research projects as DO IT, on entrepreneurship and social innovation for
young people, PHALABS 4.0 that unites the photonic research and its practical application in the Fab Lab or POP-MACHINA that aims to demonstrate the power and potential of the maker movement and the collaborative production for the circular economy of the European Union.