Marta Prata

Marta Prata is 24 years old and was born in Leiria, Portugal. She finished her master’s degree in Architecture from the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Lisbon in January 2021.She is currently doing an internship in an architecture agency based in Lisbon.
She wanted to be an architect since she can remember, even when she was not fully aware of the importance of architecture for the world we live in. For her, architecture is so much more than creating buildings or houses. It influences how we live our daily life. It changes the future by transforming the present. Designing a building requires that architects think about every little detail: the shape, the light, the colours, the materials, the texture. Architects also create sensations that change with the space we live in every moment and transform places where people make memories. Hence, she believes we are responsible for creating a more sustainable, happy, and beautiful world for all.