Mariana Andrade

Mariana Andrade is 22 years old and lives in Lisbon. She did the secondary in the Art School António Arroio where she studied Graphic Design. She has always been a person who likes new challenges and change and that has made her decide to change course and move on to another area. She is currently attending the 3rd year of the Degree in Marketing and Advertising at IADE. The first semester of this 3rd year was held at EPHEC - Haut École Économique et Technique, in Brussels - under the Erasmus program, having found a different reality from hers, which allowed her to enrich her knowledge as well as to experience the skills acquired throughout the course in a more global environment and close to the major brand business center.
For example, it allowed her to participate in a challenge, put by the Demonst8 agency, to renew an event for the Fanta brand, which she won.
The next step in her academic life will be to take the master's degree in Digital Marketing in order to deepen this area that is currently in great expansion and thus, to be able to continue in an area that she really likes, Marketing, and to deepen her knowledge in another area that is already part of the reality of all of us, the digital.
The fact that she has worked in two clothing stores (Lacoste and Benetton) has allowed her to understand how the labor market works, and also, how to deal with several situations that were not yet present in her life.