“Adarafit”, “Flech” and “Seediment”, the winning projects of the 7th Edition of the Roca One Day Design Challenge in Spain, will be exhibited at the “Dulce Agua” exhibition, which will be hosted at the CentroCentro space in Madrid.
Bernat Gene

Born in Barcelona, Bernat has always been interested in wildly different subjects. Ranging from math, science and technology to music and visual arts, his pursue of knowledge and creative drive seemed to have no end during his childhood. The problem arose when, after high school, he had to choose a professional career. He juggled with the possibility of studying math, music, or fine arts, but at the end decided to go with engineering. He is currently studying his last year of computer science at FIB, UPC (Facultat d'Informàtica de Barcelona, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya). He is happy with his career choices, but has not abandoned his creative side, as he draws and paints on a daily basis.