Bárbara Gomes

Bárbara Gomes

Bárbara Gomes is 21 years old, and she lives in Cascais - a small village by the sea, near Lisbon. She graduated in Design at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Lisbon, and she is currently interning as a Designer at the company Pavilhão 3. Her course introduced her to several areas of design, including Product and Graphic Design, which she is passionate about. She believes that Design has the power to change mentalities, lives and the world in which we live. When we design, we have to do it for the future and for what is within our reach to make it better. She believes that Design combined with sustainable causes creates unbelievable things for a common good - because she believes that we only have one home and this is what we really have to preserve: our world. More than "beautiful things", Design is about people and about the world around us.


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